Welcome to Hands Around Clear Lake
Healing the Lake. Healing Ourselves. In Community.

The time has come again...
2016 Tribal Gathering
Please spread the word!Tel.
415-646-5630 [email protected] www.facebook.com/HandsAroundClearLake FB Event Page (coming soon) Web www.HandsAroundClearLake.com |
Announcing the 4th Annual HANDS AROUND CLEAR LAKE Healing Ceremony and Resilience Festival!
A Sacred Tribal Gathering For Us ALL!Hands Around Clear Lake is a FREE grassroots festival and healing ceremony for the whole Tribe -- that is, all of us -- held yearly on the shores of beautiful Clear Lake, the oldest lake in North America, the largest lake in California, and the lifeblood of our community here in beautiful Lake County, CA.
There are a number of events happening throughout the day on Saturday, October 1, 2016. 7AM - Sunrise Ceremony to bless and heal Clear Lake, beginning at 7am sharp. Gather at 6:30 on the shore at Library Park. Touch the water. Share in a blessing with elders, shamans, spiritual leaders and healers from all around the lake and nearby areas. 11AM-11PM - Resilience Festival and Tribal Gathering at Library Park in lovely Lakeport, CA -- an all-day event with lots of excellent live music, exciting speeches, informative presentations, and open space for people and organizations to share our arts and works in building resilient community, health and happiness! Potluck. Please bring re-usable plates, etc. to make this a green event. Gather on the shore with your friends. Touch the water if you can. Tune into Spirit. Share in the healing of this land, this water, this people. The time is now. We are the ones we have been waiting for! Stick around all day for live music, drumming, art projects, healing circles, playing and sharing all afternoon! Please bring food and water; the whole event is a potluck. Also bring drums, instruments, massage tables, arts and crafts, items for trade and sharing -- whatever you like! This is a family-friendly and pet-friendly event in a public park : ) We are FREE! Aho Mitakyasin. |
Please invite friends and forward this widely! This is a sacred event for the entire tribe, and will be powered by the human energy that goes into it. It is all for the Mama, all for the Lake, all for the Greater Good. We are awakening, together, as One.
Thanks to you for all you do, holding your note perfectly in this cosmic choir. Thanks for being YOU! Namaste. More Information:
email: [email protected] tel. 415-646-5630 Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook! Event Page Here. |
Photos and Video from past Hands Around Clear Lake Gatherings
The Human Revolution performs "Breathe" at Shi-Kom Village
Video of Drum Circle at 2011 Hands Around Clear Lake
Learn from the Wisdom of the Elders, Natives, Shamans and Healers.
Join us on October 1, 2016 for a beautiful healing ceremony.
Join us on October 1, 2016 for a beautiful healing ceremony.
What is Hands Around Clear Lake?Hands Around Clear Lake is a FREE grassroots festival and healing ceremony for us all, held yearly on the shores of beautiful Clear Lake, the oldest lake in North America, the largest lake in California, and
the lifeblood of our community here in Lake County. This is a free event for all peoples. Call or email to get involved! |
Join us for the 5th Annual Hands Around Clear Lake
Official Website: www.handsaroundclearlake.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HandsAroundClearLake |